Monday, 31 March 2014

The Fool and the Grail

On Fools Day and in honour of all the Fools in my life, both family members and close friends, I am recyling an old post about one of my favourite archetypes.

During a time of upheaval and chaos in my life, it was the Fool archetype that sustained me.  The Fool enhances the delight my Clown finds in absurdity and irreverence.  It engages with my child’s sense of joy. In Tales for Jung Folk, Richard Roberts says “children know that foolishness is wisdom turned inside out so that grownups cannot recognize it, and he plays with each child like the Imaginary Playmate come true, whispering confidences that only the inner most heart could share”.

Carol Pearson writes "the Fool is an aspect of the inner child that knows how to play.  The Fool is the root of our basic sense of vitality and aliveness – a childlike, spontaneous, playful creativity."
The Fool is breaking the rules and is a little anarchic and definitely irreverent. He/She is adept at exploding boundaries and exposing hypocrisy. The Fool is a truth-teller, and you will need a sense of humour around them because they call you on your B.S! 

The Fool communicates very serious messages and devastating truths with seemingly light hearted wit or jesting, and often with a deadpan face. Our inner Fool will tell us truths that we do not wish to hear.

In byegone days the Fool had a significant and important role and place at the Royal Court. The Fool is part of a ubiquitous family and is really much more than is apparent on the surface. As the Court Jester (Richard Pryor) he brought important messages to the Sovereign via his often caustic jokes which contained truth. He was the King’s close confidante, keeping him informed about who was plotting against the Crown. No-one takes the Joker (Jack Nicholson in Batman and Robin Williams in various roles) seriously and therefore speak openly in his presence; anyway he's just a Clown (Charlie Chaplin) and no threat, so we  think.

The Fool is among the highest forms of development.

In one of the Grail myths, Parsifal, an unlikely hero, is the Holy Fool. Born after his father’s death, Parsifal is cosseted and kept as a mummy’s boy. His mother dresses him in homespun cloth in order to disguise the fact that he is a descendant of a lineage of knights of the realm. His father, elder brothers and uncles all lost their lives seeking the Holy Grail. One day, however, Parsifal chances upon a party of knights and departs with them – your fate will always find you. And so begins his search for the sacred treasure. Just because others have not succeeded does not mean that you will fail.

The Grail Castle
Parsifal wanders aimlessly for years seeking the Grail Castle, a place of miraculous healing. The Grail Castle is the home of the wounded and suffering Fisher King who is the centre of power. The Grail is his capacity to heal everyone except himself; that can only be done by Parsifal, the unlikely hero.

When Parsifal eventually stumbles upon the Grail castle, he is dumbfounded by the vision which he beholds. Unable to speak, he is incapable of asking the obvious question which will give him access to the secret of the Grail and at the same time heal the wounded King; he has to leave.

Decades go by, life shifts and in time Parsifal is able to fulfil his destiny. Confronted by the Grail once more, Pasifal now knows what question to ask.

Myth as Metaphor: myth, legend, folktale and fairytale are the blueprints and route maps that show humanity the way home. They codify the processes and experiences of the soul’s passage through human chaos to gain experience, acquire knowledge and wisdom, and, having reached a state of completeness can return to Oneness. 

It would take much too long to go into the fullness of Parsifal’s story, you can read it for yourself. See Robert A. Johnson's The Fisher King & the Handless Maiden. For the high minded Wagner's opera "Parsifal" is said to be powerful. 

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Honouring the Mother

Another year, another Mother’s Day in the UK and in a while I shall join our little band of one grandmother, two mothers, one daughter and offspring to honour the occasion by cooking and sharing a meal, a joint enterprise. The occasion will also honour Exalie and Janillia our ancestral mothers. They are always invited to share with us and be our guides in life.

There is also the primary parent, Mother Nature. Gaia or the Great Mother is a metaphor for the Earth. As the Dynamic Feminine, she is wild and creative, ever ready to shower love and affection on all those who cherish and nourish her. The inscrutable face of the Mother Goddess is humanised and made accessible through the more prevalent pattern of the personal mother. 

Regardless of what kind of mothering we experience in the external world, we can shape our own inner Mother Archetype giver of unconditional love and nurturing. She is patient, and kind. She protects and bestows health and wellbeing. She is the harvest and the warm hearth. 
In West African mythology Yemayá is the Yoruban Great Mother, Sovereign Queen of all the Orishas. Yemaya is invoked for blessings, compassion, wisdom, fertility, inspiration, female power, natural wealth, sustaining life, washing away sorrow, revealing mysteries, acquiring ancient wisdom, protecting the home, and comforting children in crisis.  Obatala, the Great Father Orisha and the seed of life, respects Yemaya and her powers for it is she who germinates his seed; without Yemaya Obatala’s seed would perish.

As always, in honouring the Divine Feminine, I turn to Ethan Walker’s anthology Soft Moon Shining - Devotional poetry for the Mother of the Universe invitation to step into the heart of the Goddess. She is ready to shower Her love and affection on any who care to turn their gaze toward Her fiery heart.

Dance with me
   under the soft moon shining
   in the wide open fields
      far beyond the toil and trouble
      of my busy mind

Dance with me
   before the night grows old
      while the winds of love
      still bow the grasses
         and the coyotes cry for you
         to step their way

Dance with me my beloved
   while the Mystery's Edge
      still flirts in the shadow
      of your radiant light